Coffee Health Benefits

I really enjoy my morning coffee....and then a second cup in the afternoon.  Coffee in moderation has many health benefits.  This was taken from the Coffee Association of Canada.

Coffee puts you in a better mood. - Study by Johns Hopkins University in Boston found that caffeine made subjects more energetic, confident and ready to work.

Coffee helps you stay alert - Studies how that night workers are less prone to accidents and errors if they drink coffee and drivers are less likely to have accidents.

Coffee is good for your memory - A study conducted in Maastricht, Holand found that coffee can combat the forgetfulness that often accompanies aging.

Coffee helps fight the common cold - Coffee can help cold sufferers recover faster by relieving the sluggish feeling colds leave behind

Coffee consumption is not linked to cardiovascular disease - Studies provide strong evidence that moderate coffee consumption is not associated with increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Canada's Food Guide to Health Eating supports the fact that coffee is not bad for you at all. "For most people, intakes of up to 400-450 mg * of caffeine per day do not increase the risk of heart disease, hypertension or adverse effects on pregnancy on the fetus".

The amount found in 3-4 cups of coffee.

This is a neat coffee maker and good gives you the option of brewing 3 ways.

Hamilton Beach Stay or Go Thermal Coffeemaker
Hamilton Beach Stay or Go Thermal Coffeemaker
